Sunday 23 September 2012

Just Be Frigging Grateful!!!!!

SO am now on holidays!
Jealous much????

I have finished at the last school with that gorgeous class and in 2 weeks at a new school and new class - don't get time to get bored!!!

My last few days were spent having lots of fun with the kids (well, we had fun pretty much the whole time, and they did learn too so don't have a go at me) and I also received the most amazing gifts. I only had them for 6 weeks so was truly spoilt by them.

But one of the most precious gifts I received was a beautiful hug and a big 'thank you' from one little angel. Yes, he came back to school for part of the last day, with no notable markings, although I cannot be sure of that.

And he went home with someone who he is not afraid of so I know he was safe for at least one night.

So, I know we all have 'problems' and 'issues' and no doubt I will probably upset a few people with my next few words but honestly, get over yourselves!

So, you feel stressed at work - be grateful you have a job and can earn money.

Unemployed - get out there and find something - there is work out there!

Tired - go to bed or go for a walk.

Selling your house - be frigging grateful you have one to sell.

Want more money - either rob a bank (no, just kidding) or perhaps look at what you have and be grateful or make an effort to earn more and be thankful that you can.

Have to pay child support - they are your frigging kids too!!!!!!

Pissed off at the world/work/ex partner - gee, poor you, get over it.

Because I know of one little angel who may not have a chance to be any of the above.

He does not know whether he will be fed, or hit and bashed, or whether he will have any one to talk to.
He does not know about feeling safe.

He does not know what it is to feel really and truly loved by the people who should do that.

SO I am sorry if I have upset you by comments I have made above. But hey, you are reading this so you are lucky that you can read. You own/rent or use a computer at work so you aren't doing too bad.

ANd maybe, just maybe, your life isn't so bad.


p.s. ANd if you are over the serious stuff, why not click on this link for a post from earlier in the year just to remind you that we are all a bit different, in our own unique way....some more than others!!!!

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